Master Converter

by Savardsoftware

A Windows product for conversion of different units

Operating system: Windows

Publisher: Savardsoftware

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Master Converter is a Windows measurement unit’s conversion software.It offers fast and user-friendly conversion of measurement units. The interface of the software is very user friendly and interactive makes users easy to understand and perform the conversion.

Master Converter is setup to over 600 units of measurement in different categories. Main categories are time, speed, acceleration, mass, density, length, area, volume, force, energy, power, pressure, data transfer, viscosity, temperature, magnetism, flow, data storage, capacitance, charge, angle, angular velocity, luminance, illumination, numbers, fractions, radiation, conductance, thermal conductivity, and many more.

Almost all frequently used measurement units are incorporated in the state of the art utility. Master Convertor also offer to add new measurement units very easily and efficiently, newly added measurement unit also work efficiently like built-In ones.

Master conversion offers more then 600 diffrent units

Master Converter offers a trial version without any registration. You can use the utility and try its feature before buying. After trial, you can register for further use and all features utility.


  • Flexibility to add new measurement units and categories.
  • The user-friendly and interactive software interface
  • Offer easy searching of units
  • Customizable fonts size
  • Very active Online help center
  • Conversion of decimals to fractions.
  • Offers Copy values to the clipboard for other use
  • Up-gradation of software to new versions.
Requires Windows operating system
Minimum 512MB RAM needed
At least 50MB free disk space required
Internet connection for online help and updates

Supports a wide range of file formats for conversion.
User-friendly interface with easy navigation.
Provides high-quality output with fast conversion speed.

Limited file formats supported for conversion.
Complex user interface may confuse beginners.
Does not offer batch conversion functionality.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Dylan
I love using Master Converter for Windows because it's a quick, efficient way to convert hundreds of different unit types, including but not limited to volume, density, flow, angle, fractions, and radiation. If you work with numbers and frequently find yourself needing to toggle back and forth between conversions then this is the ultimate tool for you. I love that you can even add your own custom units too.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Luca E*******h
Master Converter is a powerful and easy-to-use unit conversion software. It supports more than 600 different units in 32 different categories and allows users to quickly convert values between different units of measurement. The intuitive interface makes it easy to find and select the units you need to convert, and the program also includes an extensive built-in help feature.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Euan Waibel
Master Converter is a very user-friendly software. It is easy to navigate and has a pleasant user interface. I have been using it for a few months now and have not had any major issues. The conversion process is quick and accurate. I have found the program to be very useful for quickly converting all types of files. The customer support team is also very helpful and responsive when I have had any queries. The software has some great features that make the conversion process easier. Overall, I am very satisfied with Master Converter.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Jamie S*******k
I have been using Master Converter for a few months now and I find it to be quite helpful. It has an intuitive interface and offers a number of useful features. It is also lightweight, so it doesn't take up much space on my computer. I find the conversion speed to be quite fast. The customer service is also very responsive and helpful.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Fraser V.
Master Converter is a versatile software that allows users to convert different units of measurement such as length, weight, volume, temperature, and more. It supports over 1000 units and multiple languages. The software also features a built-in calculator, currency converter, and a customizable interface. Users can easily save and recall frequently used conversions and perform batch conversions. Master Converter is a useful tool for students, scientists, engineers, and anyone who needs to convert units of measurement quickly and accurately.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Benjamin Hutchison
Master Converter software is a versatile tool that allows users to convert various units of measurement with ease.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Blair
Incredibly user-friendly, accommodates numerous conversion formats.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanley Körner Tyler
Efficient, accurate, easy-to-use conversion tool.
One of a best calculator applications. It works more effectively!
better replacement for CAD tool
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